Monday, August 12, 2013

Tooth Fairy!!

I blogged about this quite a while ago now it seems, but tonight Sebastian lost his first tooth!  It wasn't even the tooth that was originally loose (which is still holding on by the way a whole year later!) but one on the bottom.  Seb has decided he wants to keep the tooth, in typical Seb fashion (this boy keeps everything!), so he will be writing a letter to the Tooth Fairy requesting that she not take the tooth.

Yay Seb!! xoxo

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Deep thoughts by Sebastian

Breaks my heart that my little boy is learning, at the age of 6, how unfair and unequal the world is:  "Mom, how come girls are allowed to say "girls only" when they play but when boys say "boys only" we get in trouble?"