Friday, June 25, 2010

Our Star

Today was Sebastian's last day of the winter session at the Little Gym. Sebastian absolutely loved this program. It ran for one hour and he participated without me, although I was always present. I loved watching him run around the gym with a smile on his face and he absolutely loved the balancing beam, never showing fear of falling off, with large leaps of faith into the air at the end of the beam.

Anyways, today was their last class and hence their "show". During the past month the children have been practicing various routines during class and today we were able to see them put the pieces of their routine together. We didn't know what to expect and what happened totally blew Jamie & I away!

The "show" started with the kids hiding behind a gym mat while their coach "Mr. Brent" introduced them. Sebastian was the first child to be called. He came out from behind the mat, looked at everyone in attendance (we were all in the gym whereas usually we are outside of the gym looking in - yes, it's like a fishbowl!) and then waved to everyone and giggled as he took off running around the mat. He continued to run around the mat while the other children were called with a huge grin on his face. It was awesome!


The kids then came to sit with us and Mr. Brent asked who wanted to be the first one to show off their routine. Lo and behold Sebastian put his hand up and jumped right up to the mat! He remembered the whole routine from the steps, forward roll, monkey kick and donkey kick. I was so proud of him and more importantly it was clear to see how proud Sebastian was of himself!

The whole time Sebastian volunteered to go first, although we did encourage him to sit and let other children go first. He excelled on every apparatus and showed off for his daddy when he hung from the very top of the uneven bars.

This was a side of Sebastian we had never quite seen before. We have always known he was a pretty cool kid but it was his level of confidence that amazed us.

And since Sebastian might not remember this day I wanted to let him know just how proud we truly are of him. Even if he didn't remember the routine and didn't want to be in the limelight we'd still be proud! We are so lucky to have such a wonderful son with such a unique and wonderful spirit!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Jamie - I admire so many things about you, your work, your many accomplishments, the things you value... But one of the things I love the most about you is how terrific you are as a dad. We are so lucky to have you!
Love Kim & Sebastian xoxoxo

And wishing all the Dad's our there a wonderful Father's Day!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Then & Now

Definitely not the most attractive of pics, and of course I'm not talking about Sebastian, but I just had to share. The first pic was taken on Dec 28, 2006 when Seb was just over 3 months old and the second pic was taken yesterday. Needless to say, neither was posed. He may not look too much like me, but he sleeps like me!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Frog Pond!

About two weeks ago now I decided to be adventurous and go on a trek with Sebastian on his new balancing bike. The bike isn't too new per se, as we purchased it around Easter time, but he's been slow to taking a liking to it since it's so much easier for him to push along on his tricycle. However, as I've been encouraging his use of the bike I decided it would be neat to go for a long walk to the mailbox, which entails just walking along the path behind the houses on the next street over.

Anyways, it was quite the adventure. As there's a downhill leading on to the path Sebastian dismounted his bike and started skipping merrily along until he landed flat on his face! Luckily he didn't hit his head and with some kleenex and a water bottle I was able to wipe up the blood. He now has two skinned knees and an elbow and I thought for sure he'd just want to come right home, but I was pleasantly surprised when he said no. So we continued on our journey to the mailbox with an hour's break at the pond enjoying the frogs (and a turtle that we spotted).

It was a great morning, hot but not too hot, and I thought I'd take the moment to share some of the pics as well as a video of Sebastian saying hello to a frog that I thought was pretty cute/funny.