Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The antics of Sebastian continue to amaze me on a daily basis.

Yesterday Sebastian decided that he was going to attempt to climb on top of his "Bee Bop Band" drum. This isn't a huge drum by any means, as he could easily sit on it safely if he chose to do so. But of course, sitting is boring for our little man! So instead, he decides to crawl on top of it and see if he can balance himself in a crouched position.

Today of course, he decides to do one better! Not only has he mastered climbing on it he has now mastered standing straight up on it and getting himself back down safely! I couldn't safely get a picture of his face in the last shot to show you how proud he was of himself, but he is definitely grinning!

And here I thought him walking was going to give me a heart attack!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

This is going to be short as I have a slew of things on the go and naptime is just about done....

We had a lovely visit with Nonee, Papa and Zia Ang yesterday. They braved the Grey Cup traffic to attend the One of a Kind Show and then headed our way for a mid-afternoon visit and dinner, which allowed Papa and Sebastian to share some more quality football time together.

After dinner and bath Sebastian enjoyed some down time perusing cookbooks with Zia Ang before bed. It was amazing how long and contently he sat looking at the cookbooks before giving everyone their goodnight kisses and snuggling in for the night. It's nice that it doesn't take too much effort to entertain him. However, with that being said, I think he really enjoys spending time with his family and we appreciate the fact that they enjoy spending so much time with us!

Wishing everyone a happy beginning to the work week and hoping you are all staying dry,

Thursday, November 22, 2007

So here it is, a short clip of Sebastian walking for all to see. It's not the best video by any means, but it's definitely the shortest (the rest are close to 2 minutes long and I don't have the patience to wait for them to download!). Enjoy!

Friday, November 16, 2007

It's official!! Our lil' man is walking!!

We knew on Monday that it wasn't going to be much longer before Sebastian started walking. On Monday Sebastian began to stand up on his own without using anything to help him. He took a few little steps but they were more like little shuffles so we didn't count them as actually walking. He continued doing this throughout the week and seemed to enjoy himself immensely while doing so.

So tonight when we returned home from work/daycare Sebastian decided to not just take one step, but many steps! It was amazing! Secretly I have a feeling Evelyn knew he was walking but I'm thankful she didn't tell us... it's like sharing the first snowfall of the year with your baby. It only happens once in a lifetime and I'm so happy that both Jamie and I were home to experience it with him.

I will hopefully upload a video of him walking soon for everyone to see. For now I just put up a picture of Sebastian is his "hoodlum" outfit as I like to call it, courtesy of Shawn's parents Gayle and Doug...and of course, my Grinch toque. I thought the pic was too cute not to share.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a good weekend. We have a busy weekend planned of swimming, doing some holiday shopping, getting together with a few mommy friends we know and their babes and heading to Guelph on Sunday to celebrate Jamie and Nana's birthday. Should be a fun-filled weekend!


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It's a blustery Tuesday so I thought I'd take some time to write a quick update on what we've been up to.

Sebastian spent both Thurs & Fri last week at Evelyn's from 8:30 - 5:30 while I worked. It was okay, but on both days by around 2 p.m. I was missing him and wanting to leave work to go and pick him up.... But of course, that didn't happen.

I also realized that I am extremely impatient at the end of the day sitting in traffic when all I want to do is go and see Sebastian. It takes me about 1/2 an hour to get from work to Evelyn's in rush hour. Which sucks since it's only about 5 kms away. However, I realize that being in a rush isn't going to get me there quicker and on Friday Sebastian didn't even want to leave when I showed up!! I knew that was going to happen one day, but so soon!?!? Of course, I didn't take it personally... who can blame the kid? He was outside playing with his friends and was having a good time so when I showed up it meant playtime was over. And we chatted about his day all the way home (it's amazing how much he is talking. Not actually words per se, but vocalizing as if he's having a conversation. We have ourselves a regular chatty cathy...or charlie... heh, wonder who he gets that from?).

On Saturday we missed swimming for the first time this session as Sebastian was napping (daycare wipes him out). After his 2 1/2 hour nap we had lunch and then spent the afternoon going for a nice walk and playing at the park (the pics posted are from our outing to the park). In the evening after Sebastian went to bed Jamie & I actually managed to go out on a date! We went to a nice Greek restaurant to celebrate Jamie's upcoming birthday and then came home - nothing too fancy but nice all the same. Special thanks to Papa & Nonee for coming into Toronto and letting us have a night out! I think we're going to have to do this a little more often (hint, hint!)!

Unfortunately we did stay up much too late Saturday night as we were awoken at 5 a.m. the next morning by Sebastian. Seems he didn't get the notice that he should be giving us an extra hour of sleep! We then spent our Sunday relaxing, doing housework and having brunch with Jon & Marion, which was really nice since we haven't seen them since Sebastian's birthday.

I've been sick with a cold since Friday (hit me Friday aft. around 3:30p.m....figures, not even back to work for 2 full days and I get sick!) so yesterday was pretty low key. Sebastian caught up on his sleep, which is always nice and we basically just stayed at home and played. This morning we went to our Gymboree play class prior to running some errands to pick up a few things we needed for this evenings festivities. We, meaning Sebastian & I, have a few things planned for Jamie in celebration of his birthday today (Happy Birthday once again to a wonderful husband and dad!!), but since there's a chance he'll read the blog prior to this evening I'm going to have to leave it at that... can't give away any of our surprises! =)
